Before and after

I’m working on some comic pages for a personal project. I don’t know exactly where it’s going, but I have a lot of fun doing it. I only wanted to have some comic pages to spice up my portfolio, so we’ll see if I have the motivation to make something more. In the meantime, I like seeing the beginning of the pages and the state I’m at now, so I figured I could share one with all of you !

Dancing sketches

I put together a page of different sketches I did these last months. I like drawing figures that dance for some reason, so here you go for random dancing, movement poses and dresses!

Blog posts are here!

I have thought about this for some time. I do have social media, I do have a ko-fi page, I do have a lot of links, but in the end, I do find it a hassle to keep up with people who have a ton of links. So I figured, I could make a blog on this portfolio. Nothing crazy, really, I do a lot of sketches and thought it would be nice to have a blog to post them. They may not be good enough to be in the portfolio section, but I like them nonetheless. Also, it would give this website another purpose and if anything major happens I can give updates that way.

This may not be a regular thing, but in the meanwhile I’ve worked on some sketches I quite like. I don’t really know what to do with them, so I thought I could share them here!

If you want to support me, my ko-fi page is the easy way to do so, else you can contact me!