
Véronique Thill, internet name Reven Niaga, freelance illustrator and graphic designer who likes drawing, writing, and creating. From Luxembourg, she has been in touch with lot of different cultures since childhood. Since then, she lived some years in Switzerland and now in Germany to gather more experiences.

She started learning illustration in Lausanne, Switzerland (Ceruleum), but had to stop due to a sudden illness. More determined and patient than ever, she picked up art once again, this time in Bochum, Germany (IBKK) where she managed to finish with a DTP-Expert and illustration degree, and is now studying at the university of Bonn with a bachelor degree in Asian Studies with a focus on japanology and finishing up a master degree focused on Mongolian studies.

Things I did

You can contact and write me in:

English, German, French, Italian, Luxemburgish, 日本語, монгол хэ

at: contact[at]revenniaga.com.